Daily self-care habits that will transform your way of thinking habits self-care Jan 09, 2022

I support business owners in achieving the success they desire (whatever that looks like) in life. It’s often a bumpy ride as we uncover limiting self-beliefs and work through challenges to find a more accessible, quicker and more creative way to realising goals.


I am successful with...

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How to gain back your mental clarity and overcome bad habits that are destined to destroy it focus habits Dec 26, 2021

Picture this; you’ve got a deadline looming with a big prospect. A prospect that has the potential to double your turnover overnight if all runs smoothly and your company is awarded the project.

The deadline is next week, and you still have mounds of work before having a finished...

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How long have you been performing these bad habits in your business? habits Dec 19, 2021

Have you ever wondered why some businesses continually flourish whereas others become stagnant? It often comes down to the person in the driving seat. The driving force of the business. If you feel your business is more stagnant that progressive, you could have fallen victim to these bad habits:

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Are you always running late? Hereโ€™s why the unhelpful habit has a deeper level and what you can do about it today accountability habits Dec 12, 2021

When was the last time you were late for a business appointment, social event or anything that required you to be somewhere or do something at a specific time?

Being late the odd time is not unusual. Unexpected events such as traffic jams, accidents or simply losing track of time happen....

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If you're a fatigued business owner, try these 8 positive daily habits to overcome burnout gaining space and creativity habits Dec 04, 2021

When was the last time you felt so overwhelmed that you didn’t know what to focus on first?

When your to-do list grows as big as a monthly shopping list or your diary is bulging at the seams it’s hard to gather your thoughts and prioritise tasks. That’s because everything is...

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The Daily Choices Journal: Create the future you desire

The choice is yours...

To say what you want yet behave like you can't have what you want will ultimately cause you to not get what you want. Your beingness is critically important. You can choose to be self-imprisioned or you can choose to be free. Freedom is what I want you to have. 

This journal has been designed to help you make choices towards what you want and away from what you do not want. It will help you to raise your consciousness and direct your focus and awareness to a state where all things are possible. 

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